Friday, September 23, 2011

Favorite Season

What is your favorite Season or time of year? For me it would be Autumn. I love how the weather cools down without being "hurts to breath too cold".  Yeah snow is pretty but I like to be able to feel my nose, and ears. In fall the leaves are so colorful and  a drive or hike through the canyons can be breathtakingly beautiful. Just like the day before Christmas holds so much joy and anticipation, Autumn has that electric feeling for me of all the fun Holiday's just ready to leap from around the corner. Before you even know it you will be crazy with Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentines day... but for now its just a calm, crisp, beautiful day in Fall. Its getting darker earlier; the only thing worse for a Mom putting your kids to bed when it still looks like noon day sunlight outside is the memory of being a kid wondering why in the world is your Mother making you go to bed when it is obviously noon outside. So, Yes getting darker earlier is a big plus for Autumn. I enjoy a nice scarf or light jacket, when you are going out, before you know it, getting ready to go out will have transformed from "that's a nice jacket" comments to people's eye widening and stepping to the side as you walk towards them puffed up in multiple layers like the state puff marshmallow man. No, I do not rock a giant winter coat. Speaking of things I do not rock, Autumn is the wonderful time of year I can once again tuck away my swimsuit and congratulate myself on surviving yet another swimming season. Don't get me wrong I am not hating on my body, I have never been a swimsuit loving girl. I love going to pumpkin patches to pick my own pumpkins, apple orchards to pick our own apples. All the fruit and veggie stands have amazing selections this time of year, sweet corn, zucchini, home grown or in our case neighbor grown tomatoes (they give them, we don't steal). I have loved all these things for years, but now add that many of my loved ones have gone home during this time of year and so I find my mind wonders often to those I love and miss and find myself smiling as I remember their amazing lives and examples. So as my Father and brothers know the official way to declare its Fall I raise my glass of tart apple cider and with a glazed maple bar (a real one, none of that whipped maple junk, only the glazed kind) I say Happy Fall everyone!

Monday, September 5, 2011

And I Quote...

Oh I love a great quote, which almost makes this blog entry extra hard, because I want to search out and include all of the wonderful quotes and include them. I feel almost like I will hurt one of the quotes feelings if I overlook them. I imagine my anxiety is much like an acceptance speech for a great award..."I would like to thank all the wonderful quotes that have helped me get to where I am today. The quotes who made me chuckle when I was down. The quotes who pushed me to be a better person, more kind and caring. The quotes that inspired me and left me pondering in deep reverie...." Now you can see when I pulled today's question "What is your favorite quote?" I almost shoved the slip of paper back in the jar and faithfully logged on to hulu to spend my 10 extra minutes of free time. But then the little voice (Brittney my sister in law) popped in my head and said I owe it to my 2 blog followers to post an entry. So in fairness to all the wonderful quotes in the world I will share only one of my favorites. 
" It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It will all work out. If you do your best, it will all work out. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. The Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us... If we will put our trust in Him, if we will pray to Him, if we will live worthy of His blessings, He will hear our prayers."- Gordon B. Hinckley
You see what I mean about great quotes? This one has helped me many a morning facing a day with what feels like the weight of the world on my back. So now I ask what other great quotes are just waiting to join my family of amazing quotes? - Jenny